Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Margarita, anyone?

There are some days that I love being a mom so much I wish I could celebrate with a margarita. Eesh!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Miss Delay Tactic

One of my favorite times of the day has to be bedtime, but I've got to say that my oldest loves pushing her bedtime back as far as she can. She's a master at it. Every night, I tell her the same thing. Get your pajamas, potty, brush your teeth, bath, get dressed, bed. I can't tell you how many times a night, I run through that list with her. Without fail, she usually tries to skip one or two steps.

When she finally does get dressed, she comes to my husband's office and says, `Repeat to the starting line. Repeat to the starting line.' Yes, she means `report,' but she's just so darned cute that we don't correct her. So then, I usually call a race down the hall between her and my husband. Every once in awhile, she enlists my help to block her dad's path so she can win. After a bedtime story, we tuck her in and give her a kiss good night. Before I leave, she'll ask me to `check' on her, then check on her baby sister, then come back and check on her again. I made the mistake once of telling her that I check on her several times before I go to bed. I usually give her a peck on the cheek and whisper, `good night, sweet princess.' I think it's comforting to her to actually hear it. I don't mind doing this at all. But now, I'm having to anticipate her moves even more. It seems the second I sit down to rest, I can hear her calling me from down the hall. She's either asking for water, a tissue, or me to leave the door cracked open. She's asking for me to talk to her dad in the living room because she likes being able to hear us. Did I give her the allergy medicine she takes at night? What's for lunch tomorrow? Did I remember to sign her binder? You name it, she's asked it.

She truly is our Miss Delay Tactic.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Proud moment

My daughter scored her first soccer goal of the season. She never gets a chance to play offense and had her shot today. After a few missed shots, she finally got one in. It's been a good week for her. Great performance at the talent show, excellent report card, and now scoring her first goal in soccer. Yes, I'm one proud mama!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Girls night

I remember when a girls night was dinner or drinks with friends after work or on the weekend. Since I became a mom of two, the meaning of the phrase has changed dramatically. Once a week, my hubby attends a group meeting for a local organization, so that leaves me home alone with the kids until bedtime.

My oldest and I have been used to this schedule, but this year we've thrown a new baby into the equation. Man, those first few weeks were nerve-wracking. Now, I've got to say that I actually enjoy our `girls nights' together. My oldest is old enough to help with the baby while I cook. And the baby adores her big sister. I usually make the same meal every `girls night' too, and I think that's a comfort to my oldest. We sit at the table, eat and talk.

I can't tell you that every conversation we have is deep and profound, but I know that the time we have together is meaningful to all of us - baby, included. And when girls night is over with, there's nothing more enjoyable than peaking in on my girls sleeping and feel grateful for the gifts they've brought to my life.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What was I thinking

So I'm wondering what I was thinking when I decided to call my parents and ask them if they saw a video file of my daughter in her school's talent show. Normal grandparents would have responded very enthusiastically. My dad's reaction, `It was OK, I guess. She's not shy.' Well, gee thanks dad. I've seen you get more excited about buying lottery tickets. My mom is not feeling well and she lets everyone know it too. I do my best to get off the phone quickly. I heard this phrase on Oprah the other day and I think it applies to my parents after our phone conversation - Mom and Dad, You deplete me!


Monday, April 21, 2008

Not so bad

OK, being a wife isn't that bad. What a difference a day makes...

Sunday, April 20, 2008

There are days

There are days when I love being a wife and mom. And then there are other days when I love being one more than the other. Today, I could do without the wife part.