Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Girls night

I remember when a girls night was dinner or drinks with friends after work or on the weekend. Since I became a mom of two, the meaning of the phrase has changed dramatically. Once a week, my hubby attends a group meeting for a local organization, so that leaves me home alone with the kids until bedtime.

My oldest and I have been used to this schedule, but this year we've thrown a new baby into the equation. Man, those first few weeks were nerve-wracking. Now, I've got to say that I actually enjoy our `girls nights' together. My oldest is old enough to help with the baby while I cook. And the baby adores her big sister. I usually make the same meal every `girls night' too, and I think that's a comfort to my oldest. We sit at the table, eat and talk.

I can't tell you that every conversation we have is deep and profound, but I know that the time we have together is meaningful to all of us - baby, included. And when girls night is over with, there's nothing more enjoyable than peaking in on my girls sleeping and feel grateful for the gifts they've brought to my life.

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