Tuesday, May 6, 2008


The husband and I are very fond of communicating by e-mail. Sometimes we even argue by it. Yes, I know it's not the healthiest form of communication in the world, but you do what you have to do to get your point across. But I digress...

Well, the other day I was walking out of his home office on the way to my daughter's room to help her with her guitar practice and some school work. As I walked out I noticed this huge wet area in our entry way. His dog's weak bladder was at work again. I told the hubby about it and he didn't make any moves from his office chair to clean it up. I told him that I was busy with our oldest and he said, he'd `clean it up later.' My husband operates on his own time schedule so I know that could mean two hours later. I was getting plenty ticked, so I grabbed an old towel and just laid it in the entry way. I know he saw me, but still he didn't move.

Our oldest and I finished her guitar practice and her school work. I came back later and the towel was STILL in the entry way. Now, I was beyond peeved. I asked him if he was waiting for me to clean it up and he said, `well, you are the housewife.' Then he said, he would do it and to quit asking him about it. Usually this kind of behavior leads to a Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, but I kept my mouth shut since our daughter was still within earshot but getting ready for bed. So, I got onto our other computer and sent him an e-mail. He asked if it was something he wanted to read. I told him it was because it was funny. I insisted that he read it now.

Here's what he found in his subject line:

You're a putz (EOM).

We both burst out laughing. Gotta say that was the best way I've ever ended an argument.

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