Saturday, July 19, 2008

Missing the dog

About a month ago, our family dog passed away. It was a hard loss for all of us - she'd been with the family for almost 13 years. My oldest daughter and the dog had a love-hate relationship for the first few years of my daughter's life. You see, she saw the dog as a threat to her food supply. That dog would plant herself right by my daughter's chair and see what tasty morsels she would drop from the table at dinner. And even though my daughter is almost in second grade, she's still a pretty messy eater.

Well, when the dog passed the two of us cried - a lot. My daughter asked her dad and me to do her a favor after that first day. We agreed not to talk about the dog until she was ready to. It just made her too sad. So that's what we did.

The other night my daughter and I were coming back from a program at the local library on wild animals that had been rescued. Somehow we got on the subject of the dog and before long the tears started to flow. I reminded my daughter that our dog was in a better place and maybe it was best to think of happy memories or what she would be doing in Heaven right now. She was having a hard time, so I offered my thoughts.

`You know that she's up in Heaven right now chewing on the biggest chew bone ever because in Heaven they only have really big chew bones. And you know Jesus is probably yelling at her, and saying `Geez! Cookie tooted.' And I'll bet it's such a horrible toot that it's making Jesus' eyes water.'

Well, we both started laughing so hard, our eyes were watering. I'm just glad we were able to turn sad memories into happy ones.

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